This song was huge in the 90s. I remember hearing it everywhere, marvelling at the… Read the postWeek 671: “The First Day of Spring” by Gandharvas
There are three people behind this beautiful and tantalizingly brief piece of music, and two… Read the postWeek 465: “Spring 1” by Antonio Vivaldi (recomposed by Max Richter and Daniel Hope)
Where I live, this has been an unrelenting monster of a winter. Snow. Ice. Eyeball-freezing… Read the postWeek 462: “Forever Spring” by Kris Bowers
Big news everybody: today is the summer solstice. If at this point you’re sitting there,… Read the postWeek 319: “Darkness” by Fat Jon
Some waterfalls only exist for a few weeks each year. There are several of these… Read the postWeek 254: “The Rustle of Spring” by Christian Sinding
March is one of the best months. It gets a bad reputation because of the… Read the postWeek 251: “Sunshine” by Josh Rouse
In many parts of the world, this is a moody time of year weather-wise. Where… Read the postWeek 47: “John Boy” by Brad Mehldau