Picking which Death Cab song to include on this list is like being asked to… Read the postWeek 26: “Marching Bands of Manhattan” by Death Cab For Cutie
When he was 21, Chris O’Connor and two friends formed a band called the I-Rails.… Read the postWeek 24: “Standing Outside a Broken Phone Booth With Money In My Hand” by Primitive Radio Gods
Yes, this is an entry about a song by Extreme. Yes, that Extreme, the hair… Read the postWeek 18: “Midnight Express” by Extreme
Raise your hand if you’ve ever been super excited to find out about a band,… Read the postWeek 12: “Tickets to Crickets” by Ferraby Lionheart
I saw Elliott Smith in concert shortly after his popularity had exploded thanks to the… Read the postWeek 10: “Independence Day” by Elliott Smith
I first heard this song a couple of years ago at a choral concert close… Read the postWeek 7: “Sleep” by Eric Whitacre
To people who only remember Stone Temple Pilots as one of those loud-ish Seattle bands… Read the postWeek 3: “And So I Know” by Stone Temple Pilots
For music fans, there are few things cooler than discovering a b-side or rarity by… Read the postWeek 2: “Suddenly Everything Has Changed” by The Flaming Lips (The Postal Service cover)