Week 216: “Grace” by Keith Kenniff


If you have a Facebook account, you’ve probably heard Keith Kenniff’s music, even if you’ve never heard his name.

Remember a few months ago when Facebook turned 10, and provided all its users with “A Look Back” at their time using the platform? And you reminisced about how you had spent 10 years looking at photos of other people’s babies? Well, Keith Kenniff provided the soundtrack for that video.

In fact, he has provided music for several high-powered tech companies, and it’s easy to hear why. His music has a distinctly 21st-century atmosphere without sounding too alien or experimental. It’s the soundtrack for the very near future; the startup noise for a computer that doesn’t exist yet; equal parts Apple and Philip Glass.

What makes this a beautiful song:

1. The piano is recorded so closely that you can hear the movement of the dampers fluttering like wings.

2. The sudden shift to a major key at 1:50.

3. The slow settling back to the original key beginning at 3:14.

Recommended listening activity:

Learning to code.

Buy it here.