I’m a white male whose life has been cushioned by virtually every privilege you can imagine. It doesn’t mean I’ve never earned anything; just that the only obstacle to my success has been my own effort. I’ve always tried to work hard. I’ve always tried to be kind to everyone. I look for ways to be a better person.
Maybe you’re like me.
If you’re like me, you’ve spent the past week reading, watching, thinking. You want to speak, act, support. But you’re not sure what to do, because you keep reading contradictory advice.
You’ve read why it’s important to post a black square. You’ve read why it’s meaningless to post a black square.
You’ve read that it’s compassionate to check in on your Black friends. You’ve read that it’s condescending to check in on your Black friends.
You’ve decided it’s important to say something. You’ve decided it’s important to be quiet and let others speak.
You feel like no matter what you do, you’re going to do it wrong.
Do you feel that? The feeling of not being able to speak or act? The feeling that all paths lead to dead ends?
That feeling is the point.
Now, stretch your imagination and wonder what it’s like to live with that feeling every day of your life.
Then, with that feeling in mind: keep reading, watching, thinking. Speak, act, and support in whatever way and at whatever speed you can, as long as your direction is forward.
What makes this a beautiful song:
1. This comes from José James’ 2018 LP of Bill Withers covers, and like all the covers on that album, this one respects the core of the original while adapting it to James’ own style.
2. The piano solo at 2.44, played by Kris Bowers. Somehow, it both raises and lowers the song’s energy.
3. The slow, persistent tempo evokes the feeling of a steady, confident, unstoppable march toward something better.
Recommended listening activity:
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