Week 742: “You My Love” by Anushka

Three weeks ago, I took a song suggestion from my son for the first time. Now it’s my daughter’s turn.

Earlier this summer she decided, seemingly out of nowhere, that she wanted to go to circus camp. This was not an option presented to her, and I have no idea where the idea came from, but her mind was made up: circus camp.

After five days of learning to climb, spin, and strike cool poses, it was time for the showcase; a nice opportunity for the camp to show off what they can accomplish if they borrow your kids for five days. To be honest, it was quite impressive. The kids were using silks, suspended hoops, and trapezes. (Never had to pluralize that word before. It looks weird.)

All of this was soundtracked by a mix of eclectic tunes meant to evoke a certain type of Cirque-like mystique. Before the show, my daughter told us that we really REALLY needed to listen out for the first song, because it was so good. So while other parents pulled out their phones to capture their kids being superstars, we got ready to Shazam this mysterious track.

Shazam quickly told us the band was British duo Anushka, and now I get to share the song with you.

What makes this a beautiful song:

1. It uses a double-harmonic scale, also known as a “Byzantine” scale. This scale is cool because it alternates between half tones and full tones as it makes its way up the scale. This gives the song what producer Max Wheeler calls the song’s “otherworldly” sound.

2. Vocalist Victoria Port’s layered vocals and slow vibrato remind me very much of another British artist we’ve featured on this blog.

3. It balances driving percussion with a laid-back piano loop, giving it the poise and muscle of a high-wire circus artist.

Recommended listening activity:

Doing a mundane task – washing the dishes, brushing your teeth – in the style of a circus performer.

Buy it here.